asciigoat's INI parser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
3.5 KiB

package ini
import (
type token struct {
pos lexer.Position
typ parser.TokenType
value string
func (t token) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %q", t.pos, t.typ, t.value)
// queueValue extracts the value of element on the queue if the type matches.
func (dec *Decoder) queueValue(idx int, typ parser.TokenType) (string, bool) {
switch {
case idx < 0 || idx >= len(dec.queue):
// out of range
return "", false
case dec.queue[idx].typ != typ:
// wrong type
return "", false
// match
return dec.queue[idx].value, true
// queueReset removes all tokens from the queue
func (dec *Decoder) queueReset() {
dec.queue = dec.queue[:0]
// queueType tells if the specified element on the queue is of the required type.
func (dec *Decoder) queueType(idx int, typ parser.TokenType) bool {
_, ok := dec.queueValue(idx, typ)
return ok
// queueDepth confirms the current depth of the queue
func (dec *Decoder) queueDepth(depth int) bool {
return len(dec.queue) == depth
// queueDepthType confirms the current depth of the queue and the type of the last
// element.
func (dec *Decoder) queueDepthType(depth int, typ parser.TokenType) bool {
if dec.queueDepth(depth) {
return dec.queueType(depth-1, typ)
return false
// typeOK tells if a token of the specified type is acceptable
// at this time.
func (dec *Decoder) typeOK(typ parser.TokenType) bool {
switch typ {
case parser.TokenSectionStart:
return dec.queueDepth(0)
case parser.TokenSectionName:
return dec.queueDepthType(1, parser.TokenSectionStart)
case parser.TokenSectionSubname:
return dec.queueDepthType(2, parser.TokenSectionName)
case parser.TokenSectionEnd:
return dec.queueType(1, parser.TokenSectionName)
case parser.TokenFieldKey:
return dec.queueDepth(0)
case parser.TokenFieldValue:
return dec.queueDepthType(1, parser.TokenFieldKey)
case parser.TokenComment:
return false
// execute is called after each acceptable token is appended to the queue
func (dec *Decoder) execute() error {
if l := len(dec.queue); l > 0 {
// based on the type of the last element
switch dec.queue[l-1].typ {
case parser.TokenSectionEnd:
name1, _ := dec.queueValue(1, parser.TokenSectionName)
name2, ok2 := dec.queueValue(2, parser.TokenSectionSubname)
defer dec.queueReset()
return dec.executeSection(name1, name2, ok2)
case parser.TokenFieldValue:
key, _ := dec.queueValue(0, parser.TokenFieldKey)
value, _ := dec.queueValue(1, parser.TokenFieldValue)
defer dec.queueReset()
return dec.executeField(key, value)
return nil
// revive:disable:flag-parameter
func (*Decoder) executeSection(key, id string, hasID bool) error {
// revive:enable:flag-parameter
if hasID {
log.Printf("%s: %s%s[%q]: %q", "ini", "", "section", key, id)
} else {
log.Printf("%s: %s%s[%q]", "ini", "", "section", key)
return nil
func (*Decoder) executeField(key, value string) error {
log.Printf("%s: %s%s[%q]: %q", "ini", " ", "field", key, value)
return nil
// parserOnToken is the callback from the parser
func (dec *Decoder) parserOnToken(pos lexer.Position, typ parser.TokenType, value string) error {
var err error
t := &token{pos, typ, value}
switch {
case typ == parser.TokenComment:
// ignore comments
case dec.typeOK(typ):
// acceptable token
dec.queue = append(dec.queue, t)
err = dec.execute()
// unacceptable
err = dec.newErrInvalidToken(t)
return err