@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ if [ "${SDECFG_DEFAULT_CC:0:3}" = "gcc" -a "$SDECFG_PKG_GCC_STACKPRO" = 1 ]; the
if ! hasflag NO-SSP; then
var_append GCC_WRAPPER_INSERT ' ' '-fstack-protector'
echo_warning 'Package incompatible with GCC stack-protector, disabled.'
echo_warning 'Package incompatible with GCC stack-protector, disabled'
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ else
else printf "x=%.2f\n", hit*100 / (hit+miss);
print "ccache_hit=" hit "; ccache_miss=" miss; }' )"
y=$( du -sh "$CCACHE_DIR" | cut -f1 )
echo_status "Compiler Cache enabled: $x% ($y) cache hits so far."
echo_status "Compiler Cache enabled: $x% ($y) cache hits so far"
ccache_print_status() {
eval "$( ccache -s | gawk '/cache hit/ { hit=$3-'$ccache_hit'; }