There seems to be no active development of libvserver anymore, but to be
sure we should ask Benedikt (hollow) if he will continue to work on it
some day. Actually th libvserver package should build fine but it conflicts
with the util-vserver package, because it is using the same naming scheme
for the library and development headers.
There seems to be no active development of dfb++ anymore, and the last
version is not compatible with the current DirectFB API.
Because there is the ++DFB which claims to be an advanced version of DFB++
implementing a much simpler C++ API the chances are quite low that DFB++
will be ever revived!
Beginning with SQLite version 3.7.4 the naming and versioning scheme changed
This update also replaces the "pure" amalgamation source tarball in favour of
the "autoconf" version, which is a tarball containing the amalgamation for
SQLite together with an configure script and makefile for building it.
This tarball also contains in the "tea" subdirectory a separate configure
script and makefile compatible with the Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) for
building the TCL bindings to SQLite.
According to
this is the right place for distributions which build binary packages of perl
add-on modules.
If you wonder about the changed build process here is are the relavant
parts out of the 'subversion/bindings/swig/INSTALL' file.
* Perl
Perl 5.8.0 is required. You can specify the perl binary by passing
PERL=/path/to/perl as part of the configure command in the top level
of the Subversion source tree. Make sure that the Perl version used
is the same one that you configured SWIG to run against during the
SWIG configure (see above).
1. Run `make swig-pl' from the top of the Subversion source tree.
2. Run `make check-swig-pl' from the top of the Subversion source
tree, to test the bindings
3. to install run `make install-swig-pl' from the top of the
Subversion source tree.
If you need to pass extra parameters to Perl build process (Makefile.PL),
then you need to do this process somewhat different:
1. Run `make swig-pl-lib' from the top of the Subversion source tree.
2. Run `make install-swig-pl-lib'
3. cd subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native
4. Run `perl Makefile.PL EXTRAOPTIONSHERE`
5. Run `make install'
To install the Perl bindings in a location other than the system
Perl directory, use the above instructions with the extra option