You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
843 B

[TIMESTAMP] 1305207999 Thu May 12 15:46:39 2011
[SIZE] 0.02 MB, 14 files
[DEP] authkit
[DEP] bash
[DEP] beaker
[DEP] bzip2
[DEP] cheetah
[DEP] coreutils
[DEP] decorator
[DEP] diffutils
[DEP] distribute
[DEP] fhs
[DEP] findutils
[DEP] flup
[DEP] formencode
[DEP] gcc
[DEP] git
[DEP] glibc
[DEP] gnue-common
[DEP] grep
[DEP] gst-python
[DEP] kid
[DEP] lxml
[DEP] mako
[DEP] nose
[DEP] paste
[DEP] pastedeploy
[DEP] pastescript
[DEP] pida
[DEP] pil
[DEP] pygments
[DEP] pygobject
[DEP] pylons
[DEP] pyrexc
[DEP] python
[DEP] python-mysqldb
[DEP] python-virtualenv
[DEP] rat
[DEP] routes
[DEP] sed
[DEP] simplejson
[DEP] sqlalchemy
[DEP] sysfiles
[DEP] tagpy
[DEP] tar
[DEP] tempita
[DEP] trac
[DEP] trac-doxygen
[DEP] trac-webadmin
[DEP] weberror
[DEP] webhelpers
[DEP] webob
[DEP] webtest
[DEP] wxpython
[DEP] zope-interface