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63 lines
915 B

[TIMESTAMP] 1297174691 Tue Feb 8 15:18:11 2011
[BUILDTIME] 15 (5)
[SIZE] 0.89 MB, 124 files
[DEP] atk
[DEP] bash
[DEP] binutils
[DEP] bzip2
[DEP] cairo
[DEP] clutter
[DEP] clutter-gtk
[DEP] coreutils
[DEP] dbus-glib
[DEP] diffutils
[DEP] farsight2
[DEP] fhs
[DEP] findutils
[DEP] gawk
[DEP] gcc
[DEP] gdk-pixbuf
[DEP] gettext
[DEP] gimp
[DEP] glib
[DEP] glibc
[DEP] gobject-introspection
[DEP] grep
[DEP] gst-plugins-base
[DEP] gstreamer
[DEP] gtk+
[DEP] gtkdoc
[DEP] gtkglext
[DEP] gtkimageview
[DEP] gtkspell
[DEP] hal
[DEP] intltool
[DEP] json-glib
[DEP] libgdata
[DEP] libglade
[DEP] libgpod
[DEP] libnice
[DEP] libnotify
[DEP] liboil
[DEP] librsvg
[DEP] libxfce4util
[DEP] linux-header
[DEP] make
[DEP] orbit2
[DEP] pango
[DEP] perl
[DEP] pkgconfig
[DEP] poppler
[DEP] pygobject
[DEP] pygtk
[DEP] raptor
[DEP] rasqal
[DEP] redland
[DEP] sed
[DEP] sysfiles
[DEP] tar
[DEP] util-linux-ng
[DEP] vte
[DEP] zlib