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61 lines
944 B

[TIMESTAMP] 1117239571 Fri May 27 20:19:31 2005
[CONFIG-ID] 2.1.0-rc1-x86-pentium4-generic
[BUILDTIME] 11382 (5)
[SIZE] 2.48 MB, 159 files
[DEP] 00-dirtree
[DEP] alsa-lib
[DEP] atk
[DEP] audiofile
[DEP] bash
[DEP] binutils
[DEP] bzip2
[DEP] coreutils
[DEP] diffutils
[DEP] docbook-xml
[DEP] esound
[DEP] expat
[DEP] findutils
[DEP] freetype
[DEP] gawk
[DEP] gcc
[DEP] gconf
[DEP] gconf-editor
[DEP] gettext
[DEP] glib
[DEP] glibc
[DEP] gnome-keyring
[DEP] gnome-vfs
[DEP] grep
[DEP] gtk+
[DEP] libart_lgpl23
[DEP] libbonobo
[DEP] libbonoboui
[DEP] libglade
[DEP] libgnome
[DEP] libgnomecanvas
[DEP] libgnomeprint
[DEP] libgnomeprintui
[DEP] libgnomeui
[DEP] libjpeg
[DEP] libxml
[DEP] linux-header
[DEP] make
[DEP] mktemp
[DEP] net-tools
[DEP] openssl
[DEP] orbit2
[DEP] pango
[DEP] perl
[DEP] perl-xml-parser
[DEP] pkgconfig
[DEP] popt
[DEP] scrollkeeper
[DEP] sed
[DEP] sysfiles
[DEP] tar
[DEP] tetex
[DEP] util-linux
[DEP] xorg
[DEP] zlib