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29 lines
397 B

[TIMESTAMP] 1238241982 Sat Mar 28 14:06:22 2009
[BUILDTIME] 105 (5)
[SIZE] 5.25 MB, 764 files
[DEP] bash
[DEP] binutils
[DEP] bzip2
[DEP] coreutils
[DEP] diffutils
[DEP] fhs
[DEP] file
[DEP] findutils
[DEP] gawk
[DEP] gcc
[DEP] glibc
[DEP] grep
[DEP] iana-etc
[DEP] make
[DEP] mktemp
[DEP] mysql
[DEP] openssl
[DEP] pcre
[DEP] php
[DEP] runit
[DEP] sed
[DEP] sysfiles
[DEP] tar
[DEP] util-linux