You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package cluster
import (
const (
// ZoneRegionsFileName indicates the file containing
// region names as references
ZoneRegionsFileName = "regions"
func (m *Cluster) scan(opts *ScanOptions) error {
for _, fn := range []func(*ScanOptions) error{
} {
if err := fn(opts); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Cluster) scanDirectory(opts *ScanOptions) error {
// each directory is a zone
entries, err := fs.ReadDir(m.dir, ".")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range entries {
if e.IsDir() {
ok, err := m.scanSubdirectory(opts, e.Name())
switch {
case err != nil:
return core.Wrap(err, e.Name())
case !ok:
WithField("zone", e.Name()).
return nil
func (m *Cluster) scanSubdirectory(_ *ScanOptions, name string) (bool, error) {
z, err := m.newZone(name)
switch {
case err != nil:
// somewhere went wrong scanning the subdirectory
return false, err
case z.Machines.Len() > 0:
// zones have machines and the regions they belong
m.Zones = append(m.Zones, z)
return true, nil
case len(z.Regions) > 0:
// regions have no machines but can include
// other regions
m.appendRegionRegions(name, z.Regions...)
return true, nil
// empty
return false, nil
func (m *Cluster) newZone(name string) (*Zone, error) {
z := &Zone{
zones: m,
logger: m,
Name: name,
WithField("zone", z.Name).
if err := z.scan(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return z, nil
func (m *Cluster) scanMachines(opts *ScanOptions) error {
var err error
m.ForEachMachine(func(p *Machine) bool {
err = p.scan(opts)
return err != nil
m.ForEachMachine(func(p *Machine) bool {
err = p.scanWrapUp(opts)
return err != nil
return err
func (m *Cluster) scanZoneIDs(_ *ScanOptions) error {
var hasMissing bool
var lastZoneID int
m.ForEachZone(func(z *Zone) bool {
switch {
case z.ID == 0:
hasMissing = true
case z.ID > lastZoneID:
lastZoneID = z.ID
return false
if hasMissing {
next := lastZoneID + 1
m.ForEachZone(func(z *Zone) bool {
if z.ID == 0 {
z.ID, next = next, next+1
return false
return nil
func (m *Cluster) scanSort(_ *ScanOptions) error {
sort.SliceStable(m.Zones, func(i, j int) bool {
id1 := m.Zones[i].ID
id2 := m.Zones[j].ID
return id1 < id2
m.ForEachZone(func(z *Zone) bool {
return false
m.ForEachMachine(func(p *Machine) bool {
sort.SliceStable(p.Rings, func(i, j int) bool {
ri1 := p.Rings[i]
ri2 := p.Rings[j]
return ri1.Ring < ri2.Ring
return false
return nil
func (m *Cluster) scanGateways(_ *ScanOptions) error {
var err error
m.ForEachZone(func(z *Zone) bool {
_, _, err = z.GetGateway()
return err != nil
return err
func (z *Zone) scan() error {
// each directory is a machine
entries, err := fs.ReadDir(z.zones.dir, z.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range entries {
name := e.Name()
switch {
case name == ZoneRegionsFileName:
err = z.loadRegions()
case e.IsDir():
err = z.scanSubdirectory(name)
WithField("zone", z.Name).
WithField("filename", name).
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (z *Zone) loadRegions() error {
filename := path.Join(z.Name, ZoneRegionsFileName)
regions, err := z.zones.ReadLines(filename)
if err == nil {
// parsed
err = z.appendRegions(regions...)
if err != nil {
err = core.Wrap(err, filename)
return err
func (z *Zone) scanSubdirectory(name string) error {
m := &Machine{
zone: z,
logger: z,
Name: name,
WithField("node", m.Name).
WithField("zone", z.Name).
if err := m.init(); err != nil {
WithField("node", m.Name).
WithField("zone", z.Name).
return err
z.Machines = append(z.Machines, m)
return nil
// GetGateway returns the first gateway found, if none
// files will be created to enable the first [Machine] to
// be one
func (z *Zone) GetGateway() (*Machine, bool, error) {
var first *Machine
var gateway *Machine
z.zones.ForEachMachine(func(p *Machine) bool {
switch {
case p.IsGateway():
// found
gateway = p
case first == nil:
// remember
first = p
// keep looking
return gateway != nil
switch {
case gateway != nil:
// found one
return gateway, false, nil
case first != nil:
// make one
if err := first.SetGateway(true); err != nil {
return first, false, err
return first, true, nil
// Zone without nodes?